Party tricks to try
Shadow puppets are cool, but have you ever measured standard pours based on alcohol concentrations?
Learn party tricks
Stay out of trouble
Knowing state alcohol and drug laws and university policies can keep you from getting arrested, suspended, or worse.
Know laws and policies
Jags drive sober
Keys, please. Impaired driving is 100% preventable. Join the movement to speak out against drunk driving.
Sign the pledge
Let's do the math
How many servings are in 8 ounces of wine? What's your BAC after 2 hours? How much do you spend on weed in a year?
Use the calculatorsIf this is an emergency, call 911
The Indiana Lifeline Law removes the hesitation to call for help in an emergency by protecting the caller. Learn how
You didn’t come to IUPUI just to party. Neither did most others.
2xIUPUI has twice the national rate of students in recovery
2020 Survey Results87%Do not vape or use e-cigarettes
2020 Survey Results91%Have not used cigarettes in the past month
2019 Survey Results91%Have not driven a car while under the influence
2019 Survey Results97%Do not use hallucinogens like MDMA/molly
2020 Survey Results3Average number of drinks consumed per occasion
2019 Survey Results
Get help for yourself or a friend
Alcohol and other drug addictions are no joke. If you have concerns about a friend’s drinking habits, are seeking recovery for yourself, or just want to know more about the risks of drugs and alcohol, there are many people at IUPUI and within the Indianapolis community who can help.
Find resources