Alcohol serving size calculator
One standard drink contains 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol. Different beverages have different concentrations of alcohol listed as percent alcohol by volume or %AbV. As the alcohol concentration goes up, the amount of liquid needed to equal one standard drink goes down.
To really know how much alcohol you have in a day, make sure to count the number of standard drinks not just the number of cups or glasses.
Try using the calculator to see what happens as alcohol concentration increases and decreases for different kinds of drinks. Use the calculator on these examples:
- How many standard drinks are in 16 fl. oz. of 7.0% AbV craft beer?
- How many standard drinks are in a 12 fl. oz. can of 13% AbV sparkling white wine?
- How many standard drinks are in a 12 fl. oz. can of 6% AbV hard seltzer?